RESCUE Website Development Study
In this pilot study, we evaluated and promoted the investigator-created, senior-friendly RESCUE website using focus groups; interviews and surveys with clinicians and caregivers; cognitive usability testing; and Webtrends analysis.
RESCUE Website Development Study Papers
Uphold, C. R., Findley, K. L., Freytes, I. M., Knauff, L., Shorr, R. I.., Rodriguez, W., Whittle, J., & Beyth, R. J. (September 2010). Culturally sensitive, senior-friendly health information for caregivers of Veterans with stroke. Federal Practitioner, 27(9), 33-36.
- This paper describes the steps of creating and evaluating educational materials for caregivers of Veterans with stroke. We provide recommendations for designing materials that are appropriate for a low-literate audience and are user-friendly, age-appropriate, culturally relevant, and credible.
LeLaurin, J. H., Sypniewski, C., Wing, K., Freytes, I. M., Findley, K., & Uphold, C. R. (2022). Development, usability testing, and promotion of the English- and Spanish-language RESCUE stroke caregiver websites. American Journal of Health Education, 53(2), 174-185
- This paper describes the process of creating, evaluating, and promoting the RESCUE caregiver website that is written in English and Spanish. We developed the website in partnership with organizational partners and through interviews with caregivers and healthcare providers. Usability tested indicated that the website was informative, attractive, and comprehensive. Our promotional campaign substantially increased website visits.
These materials were created for the project:
Web-Based Informational Materials for Caregivers of Veterans Post-Stroke
Project Number SDP 06-327 funded by VA HSR&D Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI)